Research Projects

Revamping Telangana Fire Services and Civil Defence Training Institute (TGFS&CDTI) for enhanced preparedness and training effectiveness

Project Info

  • Year of Completion : 2023
  • User Department : Disaster Response and Fire Services, Govt. of Telangana


The TGFS&CDTI is mandated to provide training in both the areas of fire services and civil defence. The fire services are envisioned to create a fire safety society, save life and property in all types of disasters, and create safety cautiousness among the public. The Civil Defence is envisioned to help, create a disaster-resilient society with an emphasis on mitigation and preparedness in all types of disasters. The Objectives of the study were:

  • Assess the current state of the TGFS&CDTI, including its infrastructure, resources, and training programs.
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the current training programs offered by the institute.
  • Determine the training needs and requirements of fire-fighters and emergency responders in response to evolving challenges and emerging threats.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the institute's training methodologies, instructional design, and delivery approaches.
  • Explore innovative training techniques, technologies, and instructional tools to enhance the effectiveness of training programs.
  • Identify specialized training programs that address the unique needs of the operational staff of the department.
  • Suggest measures to upgrade the institute's training facilities, equipment, and resources to create a realistic and conducive learning environment.